It is much easier to believe thus saith the Lord then to spend hours of research to prove to ourselves VSEL Stem Cells what we can trust from the Word of God in the first place.
Believe me, this has been a question before in the quest of scientists for make plant stem cell extracts. But after years of study, finally, there is a remarkable discovery which had enabled us to isolate and grow good plant stem cells.
There is another option that is rising in fame. It is called stem call augmentation. This procedure is being heralded as a natural solution. The way it works is this: stem cells are extracted from areas with excess fat, such as the stomach or the thighs. These are combined with fat that has already been pulled, and then injected in to the boobs. From here, the cells grow which increases cup size.
One strand vsel of hair can support about a three ounce weight. If you took an entire head of hair, you could pull about twenty four thousand pounds! Don't try it, just my word for it!
Levapoda is a drug which is used for the cure of this disease. It is in fact a natural substance that is present in our body. When it is taken in the form of a pill, it goes to the brain and produces dopamine. It works well in the early stages of this disease. But till a few years back it was considered to be incurable. Now with the introduction of Stem Cell Therapy, this disease is considered to be curable.
There were many times when my faith was shaken during Clyde's ordeal, but God always strengthen me to keep on moving and holding on to His unchanging Hand. And he did. I knew that God was carrying me in those dark days when the physician would walk into the room and explain Clyde's prognosis. Many times, I wanted to run away and hide, but I kept on praying because I knew that if it was God's will to deliver Clyde from this nightmare, He would. I knew that God was in control and nothing would be added or taken away, unless He allowed it.
Third, After you have decided which side you are on, now it is time for you to step up to the plate. You can start by joining support groups that favor your opinion. Become active circulate petitions in your community. Make sure these petitions get to the correct political leaders. Talk to all of your friends and associates and try to inform them, so they to can be educated.